Why should you choose interning in Germany? Germany is a country filled with internship opportunities for those who want to improve their professional and personal skill sets. The Volunteering in Germany makes this goal achievable by offering different types of educational internships in the city of Halle, Germany. Here are a few good reasons to consider interning at our center in Halle:

Interning as a Teacher of English in Germany

People everywhere are very eager to learn English. Many people interested in languages begin with learning English given its ubiquity worldwide – without a doubt, wherever you go in the world you’ll find someone speaking English. While Volunteering in Germany you will have the opportunity to teach English to Germans, recently arrived refugees, and other internationals—many of whom have come to Germany to study at the University of Halle.

Through Teaching English in Germany you will be able to hone your teaching skills by learning new teaching techniques and methods, develop your time management skills, and gain experience managing a classroom full of students. In addition, teaching students from different backgrounds will require you to broaden your approach to teaching, and help you enhance your cross-cultural communication skills in the classroom.   

Learning Arabic in Germany

Germany is host to a high number of Syrian refugees fleeing the ongoing war. Since 2015, Germany has registered over 1 million asylum seekers within its borders. Given the influx, many  Germans are now finding it helpful to learn to speak Arabic. This is especially true for those who work for the government, but also among the general population who are eager to understand Arabic culture and language, as well as promote integration.

interning in Germany

The Volunteering in Germany offers Arabic courses to both local Germans and internationals. These courses teach either the Syrian or Palestinian dialects and are taught by qualified Arabic teachers who make learning the language an enjoyable experience. By attending our courses, you have the opportunity to learn in a classroom setting as well as have the chance to practice during daily interactions with the refugees who live in the city.   

Learning German in Germany

If you want to fish, go to sea – if you want to learn a language, go where it is spoken. Interning in Germany allows you to immerse yourself in the language and quickly develop your German skills. By interning at our center, you will have the chance to learn German through attending classes taught by quality German teachers. In Halle, you will also have the opportunity to practice the language daily, using it when you go to supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, bakeries, and so on. The combination of learning and practicing the language will help you develop your language skills quickly.   

Experience Other Cultures

What makes this experience unique is that it is not only about teaching or learning a new language but also about diving into a new culture by interacting with local communities who, in turn, are also eager to learn about your culture.

Here in Halle, you will be able to meet refugees who come from countries like Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Albania, Cameroon, Somalia, Mali, and others, and get to know more about their culture, how and why they fled to Germany, and how they have adapted to life in Germany.

The Volunteering in Germany has a broad network among the refugee communities to help its interns connect with them meaningfully. The Volunteering in Germany organizes activities and cultural evenings intended to promote cultural exchange. These events help create and deepen the connection between local Germans, refugees, and other foreigners.

Participate in Our Activities

By accepting our internship, you can also participate in our activities. Activities are divided into three categories.

  1. Educational Activities that focus on language and professional development. Participants learn how to write a CV, cover letter, and motivation letter and take part in English conversational sessions and English club.
  2. Social Activities are aimed at bringing people together from different backgrounds to share their culture and tradition, such as a food day where every participant brings a dish from his/her country’s cuisine.
  3. Community Activities such as cultural and musical evenings, cultural competitions, dinners, and much more.   

Improve Your Skills

Interning in Germany with us will help you develop and improve your abilities as well as your public speaking confidence. At the same time, you will develop hard language skills and gain teaching experience that will progress your career.

Joining our program for interning in Germany will allow you to meet people from different countries around the world. This will help expand your teaching skills and make you more knowledgeable than ever before. This unique internship will add interest to your resume and demonstrate your diverse professional experiences.

The Experience of the Volunteer in Germany

The Volunteer in Germany is an expansion of the Excellence Center in Hebron, Palestine. The success of the center in Palestine inspired us to open this second center in Germany. The Excellence Center in Palestine began its work in April 2011. Ever since then, we have worked hard to make our work distinctive and our teaching methods modern and effective.   

Finally, our internship in Germany is an opportunity to experience German life and culture. By joining one of our internships (Teach English and Learn Arabic, or Teach English and Learn German) you will achieve your language goals. If you think that this opportunity suits you, then apply now and join us. Germany awaits you. 🙂

For more information, visit our website: volunteeringermany.org