Online Levantine and Palestinian Colloquial Arabic Courses: Volunteer in Germany offers a comprehensive range of intensive and non-intensive colloquial Arabic courses, including Syrian, Palestinian, Jordanian, and Lebanese dialects. Starting from the Starter Courses and progressing to the Advanced Courses, the online Arabic lessons provided by Volunteer in Germany encompass a wide spectrum of dialects, reflecting the diversity and richness of Arabic culture. Moreover, Arabic learners have the flexibility to choose from Levantine Arabic online (covering Syria, Palestine, Jordan, and Lebanon), Palestinian colloquial Arabic, or any other spoken Arabic dialect offered by our program.

Addressing all aspects of language learning, our online Arabic programs focus on phonetics, conversation, writing, reading, and listening comprehension as well as learning common idioms, completing daily tasks, and discussing various subjects suited for your course level. By doing so, this ensures you have a wide range of Arabic understanding and competency.

Volunteer in Germany Offers 6 Levels of Arabic Programs

Volunteer in Germany offers six different levels for Arabic instruction: Beginner, Elementary Levels 1 and 2, Intermediate Levels 1 and 2, and Advanced. Additionally, each course level is offered at three intensities: non-intensive, intensive, and super-intensive. The difference is the course load and frequency of sessions. Our online Arabic courses are available any day of the week and offered year-round with no official application deadline, so when you start your Arabic learning journey is completely up to you! 

Online Arabic Classes

If you want to study Arabic from home or if you want to develop your Arabic language proficiency and practice with a native Arabic speaker, then online Arabic programs are the perfect option for you.

Volunteer in Germany allows you to learn Arabic online. Whatever your Arabic level is, Volunteer in Germany is capable of meeting your language needs. This program gives you the choice of learning Modern Standard Arabic, the Palestinian dialect (Levantine dialect), or a combination of the two. Students can select whichever they prefer to learn. The Center will provide students with the appropriate learning materials to enrich their online Arabic study experience.

To start, you will need to take a placement test which will evaluate your Arabic level. Interested students will receive their first online class for free. Students who are satisfied with the first class can then register for subsequent classes and pay the corresponding fees.

Everyone Is Welcome!

Volunteer in Germany are prepared to welcome international students from all over the world. Arabic courses are specifically designed for any prospective students who desire to study Levantine Arabic or another spoken Arabic dialect, interact with individuals from a diverse diaspora of Arabic-speaking communities, and gain a better understanding of Arabic culture. 

During Arabic lessons, students will learn the fundamental and foundational skills to competently communicate in multiple spoken Arabic dialects, as well as be better prepared for the lifelong process of learning another language. These foundational skills provided by our online Arabic courses include familiarity with the Arabic alphabet, writing competency, grammatical know-how, comprehensive listening apprehension, and speaking proficiency. 

Arabic is an incredibly rich and diverse language, as well as one of the most common forms of communication in the world, with about 275 million speakers around the world! Equally, the reasons someone may choose to learn Arabic are just as rich and diverse. Whether it be for work, recreation, communication, friendship, travel, or just out of sheer interest, learning a new language is one of the most rewarding experiences life can offer. Enroll in one of Volunteer in Germany’s spoken Arabic courses and start studying Levantine Arabic, or another of our offered Arabic dialects today! 

Online Arabic Courses And Dialects Available 

Volunteer in Germany provides a diverse array of spoken Arabic dialects for its online courses, encompassing colloquial Levantine Arabic (including Syrian, Palestinian, Jordanian, and Lebanese dialects) as well as Palestinian colloquial Arabic (Ammiyya).

The spoken Arabic dialects offered are meant to provide students with the maximum amount of learning options, while also tailoring in-class experiences to students’ specific language needs. You can find the following online Arabic courses below:

Study Levantine Arabic OnlineBeginner Levantine Arabic Online Lessons
Jordanian Arabic Online CoursesSyrian Arabic Online Lessons
Modern Standard Arabic Online CoursesOnline Arabic Classes for Beginners
Colloquial Palestinian Arabic ClassesShami Arabic Online Course
Intensive Levantine Arabic Online LessonsPalestinian Arabic Online Lessons

Whether for employment, travel, recreation, or cultural interest, Volunteer in Germany has many courses available to best suit students’ needs. Further, students are encouraged to utilize Volunteer in Germany’s offered Varied Program– where they are free to combine various aspects of other courses and create an in-class experience that best suits their Arabic language requirements (Palestinian Colloquial Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic for example). 

Level of Arabic Courses Available

Volunteer in Germany provides a complete range of spoken Arabic online language courses: beginning with the Starter courses and continuing to the Advanced. Whatever your level of Arabic, Volunteer in Germany is prepared to offer the Online Arabic course that is right for you. 

1. Starter Course

This course focuses on students’ ability to complete basic, everyday colloquial tasks. For example, learning how to introduce one’s self; learning specific phrases important to Arabic; asking and answering everyday questions; and clarifying certain details such as where they live, what their favorite food is, what they have in their possession, and so on. In addition to a basic understanding of spoken Arabic, the Starter Course will allow students to become familiar with the Arabic alphabet (al-ḥurūf l-ʿarabīyah) and Arabic writing. 

2. Beginner Course

This online Arabic course is designed to equip students with the necessary skills to conduct basic conversations in Palestinian colloquial Arabic, or any other dialect of their choosing, as well as interact with native Arabic speakers in day-to-day scenarios. For example, students will learn the proper grammatical and colloquial skills to shop and understand familial backgrounds, geography, directions, and subjects regarding employment. Students will be able to express their opinions on topics such as the environment, their specific wants and needs, as well as various cultural matters. 

3. Intermediate Course

Upon completing this online Arabic course, students will be capable of conversing about, as well as understanding complex subjects in the Arabic dialect they choose. Topics could include issues that may arise during travel, complex cultural matters, differences between formal and informal speech, recreation, school, and everyday circumstances. Moreso, students will begin to write simple texts on everyday matters such as family, friends, personal preferences, and future ambitions, while also being able to provide reasoning and explanations therefor. 

4. Advanced Course

In this Arabic course, students will have learned the skills needed to converse in colloquial Levantine Arabic, as well as other dialects, on a wide range of complex subjects, both specific and abstract. Additionally, students will be able to summarize these subjects and create well-informed opinions based on their findings.

Students will also have gained the ability to converse fluently in their chosen spoken Arabic dialect, providing them the competency to converse and interact with native Arabic speakers on a day-to-day basis. Further, students will have gained sufficient reading and writing comprehension to feel comfortable interacting with complex, abstract Arabic texts. 

One-on-One Arabic Lessons

Volunteer in Germany’s online spoken Arabic language courses are offered as one-to-one sessions (individual courses). This means that courses will consist of only one student and one Arabic teacher.

The one-to-one methodology allows students to fully immerse themselves in their online language course. Further, students will have a qualified Arabic teacher present to instruct, guide, and answer any questions they may have. 

Group Lessons

We also offer online spoken Arabic courses that are also offered in classes of up to 3 students. This option is available for students who would like to learn in a group setting. Group learning has additional benefits such as group projects, the chance to interact with students from different cultures, as well as the opportunity to make new friends! If you wish to learn either colloquial Levantine Arabic or Palestinian colloquial Arabic, enroll today! Students are free to choose whether they study in one-on-one or group sessions.

Program Overview

Platform of online course(Skype, Facebook, Zoom, WhatsApp, etc.)
Course duration10-100 Hours (Student’s choice)
Hours per week2-4 (Flexible)
Arabic session length45 Minutes
Cost of 10 sessions185€
Average students per class1-4 people
Age requirements 16-75 years old
Days of the weekEvery day (up to students/teachers)
Levels6 levels (Starter level to Advanced)
Time of classesFlexible (up to students/teachers)
Program’s reviewsReviews and ratings On
Reviews and ratings On
Participants video testimonials
University CreditAvailable
Arabic booksReceive in PDF format

Why are Online Arabic Courses a Good Choice? 

Learning Arabic online, in any dialect, is a good choice for multiple reasons. First and foremost, studying Levantine Arabic online, or any other available dialect provides students with the freedom to learn when and wherever it is most convenient for them. This ease of access provided by our online spoken Arabic courses means that students from all over the world will have ready access to the EC’s qualified team of Arabic instructors.  

Furthermore, taking spoken Arabic courses online provides students with the opportunity to pick from a wide variety of Arabic dialects. In addition, students are encouraged to combine courses through our “Varied Courses” option, where they can freely create a colloquial Levantine Arabic language program that best suits their language needs. 

Students will also be provided with all necessary learning materials by Volunteer in Germany through digital means. Volunteer in Germany provides all necessary digital learning materials so students can have access to Arabic workbooks, media, and other course provisions with the simple click of a button.

By choosing to study Levantine Arabic online or any other spoken Arabic dialect, students will have the opportunity to interact with a wide diversity of Arabic teachers, as well as students from all over the world.

Reasons for Choosing Online Arabic:

  • Convenience of learning from home
  • Better organized to fit your scheduling needs
  • Easy access to our qualified team of Arabic teachers
  • The first online lesson is free of charge, enabling prospective students to try out an online Arabic course. 
  • Students can create a program that best suits their language needs.
  • All necessary learning materials are provided digitally.
  • Classes can be taught one-to-one or in groups of up to 3.
  • Greater access to the diversity of world cultures through teachers and other students who desire to learn Arabic. 

Who Are Online Arabic Courses For? 

These online Arabic courses are for anyone enthusiastic about learning colloquial Levantine Arabic, as well as other spoken Arabic dialects such as Palestinian colloquial Arabic. The courses also suit those who require a specific level of spoken Arabic language proficiency for employment or other purposes; have an interest in politics, history, and social relations of the Middle East; or require language courses for college credit. The courses can also benefit the following:

  • Individuals who want to improve his/her spoken Arabic or learn a specific Arabic dialect such as Palestinian colloquial Arabic
  • Individuals who are enrolled in undergraduate or graduate study programs related to Middle Eastern studies, political science, or international relations.
  • Arabic-speaking individuals who live in Europe or the United States and want to enhance their colloquial Arabic skills.
  • Those who work in a business setting and require language proficiency.
  • Individuals who simply would like to learn Levantine Arabic online either for study or recreation.

Our Team of Qualified Arabic Teachers

Our team of qualified online Arabic teachers come from all over the world, with diverse backgrounds in Arabic culture and language. Furthermore, Volunteer in Germany’s team of language teachers who hold academic degrees in various fields relating to spoken Arabic.

These degrees include teaching Arabic to Non-native Speakers, Arabic Cultural Studies, Arabic Literary Studies, and Teaching Arabic as a Second/Foreign Language. Our team of qualified teachers at Volunteer in Germany in Halle (Saale) and Hebron, Palestine have a long history of experience with teaching, interacting with, and promoting Arabic culture and language. 

Where and How? 

Volunteer in Germany provides online Arabic courses through a variety of digital means: Google Meet, Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Facetime, or any other online communication platform. The choice of online platform is up to the discretion of students and that of their teacher. 

Why Volunteer in Germany in Halle (Saale)? 

Volunteer in Germany in Halle (Saale) offers students from around the world exclusive opportunities to engage with and immerse themselves in Arabic culture and spoken Arabic dialects.

Volunteer in Germany in Halle can provide these opportunities because of its unique role as not only a language school but also a vital community center that caters to migrants and former refugees. Moreover, the Center has a sister branch in the city of Hebron, Palestine, where the Center originally began.

Because of Volunteer in Germany’s dual roles, students who take part in ViG’s Levantine Arabic Online courses will not only learn to speak Levantine Arabic but also receive instruction from a wide and diverse array of qualified Arabic teachers. The classes offered provide many opportunities for students to interact with the Arabic language and culture. 

Volunteer in Germany’s online Arabic programs are for any prospective students looking for a unique language learning experience, one where they may not only learn spoken Arabic dialects but also culturally engage with Arabic communities from all over the globe.  

Duration, Hours, and Pricing

Students can choose anywhere from 10 to 100 hours of colloquial Levantine Arabic courses or any other spoken Arabic dialect offered, with each class’s duration spanning 90 minutes. The choice of time and date of courses is up to the discretion of students and their teacher.

Arabic Lesson HoursPrices in Euro

Once enrolled, all of the students’ essential learning materials will be provided by the Center, such as online learning books, media access, and other course necessities. Upon completion of the course, students will receive a signed diploma, certifying their time as Volunteer in Germany and Arabic proficiency level. 

  • Arabic lesson – 90 minutes (1.5 hours) 
  • Registration fee: €50 paid once at registration 
  • Study materials booklet and books: Free (PDF)
  • Free language placement test
  • Certificate of completion

Free Arabic Lessons Online? 

Volunteer in Germany offers prospective students the opportunity to enroll in one free online Arabic language course.

The reason for this is so that potential students can experience what it is like to be fully enrolled in an Arabic language course without making a time or financial commitment. If they find the offered language courses agreeable, students can feel free to then enroll in the full online Arabic program. 

Internship and Volunteer Programs

Volunteer in Germany provides a variety of volunteer and internship programs to those who want to travel to Germany and immerse themselves in the culture, all while working with refugees in Halle, Germany, and migrants to make a meaningful difference.

Here, you can explore the list of our short-term volunteer and internship programs in Halle, Germany:

Teach English and Study Arabic in Germany Program Teaching English in Germany Program
Internship in Halle, Germany ProgramMedia & Journalism Volunteer program
Volunteer to Write About GermanyVolunteer with Refugees in Germany

Time and Duration

Volunteer in Germany welcomes students, English native and non-native speakers, and people from all countries who are 18 to 70 years old to join any of the Center’s volunteer, internship, and Arabic programs.

The period of participation can span anywhere from 1 to 13 weeks. For volunteers, interns, and students, ViG’s program flexibility is designed to work around their schedules, with programs being available year-round (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) and starting and ending dates up to the participant’s choice!

Our Programs Make a Great Impact 

Our Volunteer and Internship programs in Halle, Germany are well-researched, targeted, and suitable for anyone who wants to gain insights into German and Arabic culture as well as refugees’ daily lives. We aim to make a long-term difference for our local community by exchanging ideas and “walking in each other’s shoes”.

Volunteering and interning in Halle, Germany is a unique opportunity to genuinely make an impact on your life as well as others including children, refugees, women, youth, and community members.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. “What do I need for online classes?” 
  • We recommend using a laptop with good webcam and audio capabilities, however, whatever means students find most convenient to participate in online courses are acceptable.
  • Good internet connection: you will need to find a suitable Wi-Fi or hotspot to maintain a stable internet connection.
  1. “How do I become an online student?” 
  • Email us requesting an application, listing your name and desired Arabic course. 
  • We will send you an application, which you will fill out and send back to us. 

Flexible Booking

At Volunteer in Germany, we understand that things change. As such, our programs are incredibly flexible in case you need to alter travel plans or just simply have a change of heart.

As programs begin at the center year-round (with flexible start and end dates), you decide your arrival. Furthermore, you’re able to change your start date entirely free of charge if requested at least two weeks beforehand.

Summer Internships – Volunteer Abroad

While the volunteer program in Germany is available all year, the Summer is the most advantageous and exciting time to apply. With a team from all around the world, Volunteer in Germany is rife with students throughout May, June, July, and August, making it the perfect time to Intern after graduation.

The program includes a language course (3 hours of German per week), responsibilities as an English Teacher, housing, logistic help, breakfast 4 days a week, and an immersive experience in our community in Halle. The program can last between 1-13 weeks- as you decide for yourself. If you are looking for a Summer internship volunteering with refugees, teaching English, and learning German in Europe or Germany, this program is for you.

Winter Volunteer Programs

Volunteer in Germany offers winter volunteer and internship programs which start from October to late March for the people who would like to come to Europe to volunteer, study a new language, and meet new cultures and people. Volunteers and interns can stay from 1-13 weeks.

Our Programs Make a Great Impact 

Our Volunteer and Internship programs in Halle, Germany are well-researched, targeted, and suitable for anyone who wants to gain insights into German and Arabic culture as well as refugees’ daily lives. We aim to make a long-term difference for our local community by exchanging ideas and “walking in each other’s shoes”.

Volunteering and interning in Halle, Germany is a unique opportunity to genuinely make an impact on your life as well as others including children, refugees, women, youth, and community members.

Reviews and Awards

Volunteer in Germany has been offering its services since 2018. Throughout the years, we have been developing many programs and online courses. We use the most advanced teaching methods which we develop and enhance year after year. Education is an active process that is always advancing, and you will be part of the development. 

Despite continuous program improvements for the best learning experience, our core goal remains: connecting, teaching, and developing individuals. Additionally, we aim to promote and encourage exchange in the local and international communities. 

We continue to strive towards excellence:

In 2022, we ranked as “one of the top three organizations worldwide in offering volunteer opportunities”. We also ranked as “one of the top three language schools worldwide” by Go Overseas. We also received a total of five Go Overseas Community Choice Awards. Among others, Volunteer in Germany earned recognition as one of the top Teach Abroad Providers for the category of “benefits”. Besides that, we were also one of the Top Internship Abroad Providers for the categories of “growth” and “support”

In 2021, we were one of the top three volunteer programs in the world. Go Overseas awarded us the community choice awards in the categories of “best language school”, “fun”, and “teaching”.

In 2019, we received our inaugural “Go Overseas Community Choice Awards”. This award was a recognition of Volunteer in Germany’s positive effect on the global travel community. You can check our ratings below.

How to Register?

If you are interested in taking a Levantine Arabic online language course, or any other dialect, please write to us at We should respond to your initial inquiry within 1– 3 business days. In the subject line of your email, write “Study Arabic Online Program.

Upon writing back to you we attach an application form, which you will fill out and return to us to begin the on-boarding process. Upon receiving your application form, we can arrange for you to take our free 1 hour online Arabic course. 

Payment and Confirmation

  1. Once you have filled out the application and returned it to us, we will send you a form confirming the details of your online course, which you will need to return to us. 
  2. After confirming your personal and course information, we will send you an invitation letter, contract, and invoice. 
  3. You will then sign the contract and make the required payments to reserve your place in the course. 


Overall, our Arabic Online Program is an excellent choice for anyone interested in learning Arabic from the comfort of their home before venturing into the Arabic-speaking world. It is also an excellent opportunity for those with wider interests such as political science and international relations to gain a greater comprehension of their field while balancing busy schedules. 

The Arabic Online course is especially ideal for university students to gain academic credit towards their degrees, and for recent graduates to maintain their Arabic language proficiency. However, it is also a suitable option for those who find travel logistically or financially challenging. Whatever the reason, our online Arabic lessons are the perfect way for enthusiastic language learners to dip a toe into Arabic culture, so if this sounds like the program for you, reach out to us to begin your linguistic journey!

Find Us Online

Please email us at at write to us at WhatsApp: +4917639353950

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Thank you very much. We would be happy to have you in Germany!


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